See the guide below to configure pyRevit in Revit UI

Configure pyRevit

See the guide below to configure pyRevit using the CLI tool

Configure pyRevit

Configuration File

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Preferably use the pyRevit CLI to make configuration changes to this file.


pyRevit configuration file is a standards INI file that contains various sections for each pyRevit component or tool.

The config file can be in one location only and that is %APPDATA%/pyRevit

Seed Config File

A Seed configuration file can be provided at %PROGRAMDATA%/pyRevit. pyRevit will use this seed file to configure pyRevit:

Core Configs

The most important section is the [core] that has all the runtime configurations.

checkupdates = false
autoupdate = false
verbose = true
debug = false
filelogging = false
startuplogtimeout = 0
bincache = true
userextensions = []
loadbeta = false
rocketmode = true
requiredhostbuild = ""
cpyengine = 372
minhostdrivefreespace = 0
outputstylesheet = "C:\\\\Users\\\\eirannejad\\\\Desktop\\\\gits\\\\pyRevitDev\\\\pyrevitlib\\\\pyrevit\\\\output\\\\outputstyles.css"
user_locale = "en_us"

The settings below control the availability of the Update, Extension Manager and Settings tools (UI buttons) in pyRevit. If set to false the tool will be removed from the UI and won’t be availabe to the user:

usercanupdate = true
usercanextend = true
usercanconfig = true

Environment Configs

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> This section is exclusively for the CLI tool that manages the environment. DO NOT CHANGE SETTINGS MANUALLY


clones = {}