<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/997200e9-2347-40cf-87d7-4f41edbbc420/alert.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/997200e9-2347-40cf-87d7-4f41edbbc420/alert.png" width="40px" /> Runtime REST API is a DRAFT and is subject to change There is no authentication required There are no validations performed on the schema


See the guide below on configuring the TCP port for the Runtime HTTP server

pyRevit Configuration

pyRevit Routes Runtime API routes/

GET status/

Get the status of Routes Server

    "host": "Autodesk Revit 2019.2 build: 20190808_0900(x64)",
    "username": "eirannejad",
    "session_id": "07ba444f-0494-4c63-ba25-512b099c756e"

GET sisters/

Get all the other running instances of Routes server

        "host": "Autodesk Revit 2019.2 build: 20190808_0900(x64)",
        "process_id": 8964,
        "server_host": "",
        "server_port": 48884,
        "version": "2019"
        "host": "Autodesk Revit 2021.0 build:",
        "process_id": 612,
        "server_host": "",
        "server_port": 48885,
        "version": "2021"

GET sisters/int:revit_year

Get all the running instances of Routes server on a specific Revit year

        "host": "Autodesk Revit 2019.2 build: 20190808_0900(x64)",
        "process_id": 8964,
        "server_host": "",
        "server_port": 48884,
        "version": "2019"

pyRevit Core Runtime API pyrevit-core/

POST sessions/

Reload pyRevit remotely into a new session. Returns new session info

	"sessionid" : "541a2a8d-0954-4f9a-9644-3551c1a2118e"