<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5ea12417-a6ad-4a07-90e9-fa68106984af/alert.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5ea12417-a6ad-4a07-90e9-fa68106984af/alert.png" width="40px" /> Telemetry Server API is a DRAFT and is subject to change There is no authentication required to use the API


API Version 2.0

Endpoint: api/v2/

Check Status

GET status/

  "status": String // "pass" or "fail"
  "version": String // "0.17"
  "output": String // ""
  "serviceid": UUID // "efcf68fc-7996-4213-a06f-d5d78b7f53c0"
  "checks": {
    "<dbname>": {  // "postgres"
      "status": String // "pass" or "fail"
      "version": String // "PostgreSQL 10.9, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit"
      "output": String // ""

Add Script Telemetry Record

POST scripts/

Creates a new script telemetry record on the records database.

    "meta": {
        "schema": "2.0"
    "timestamp": String, // "2019-08-13T13:40:01.4545Z"
    "username": String, // "eirannejad"
    "host_user" : String, // "LEO-W10\\\\LeoW10"
    "revit": String, // "2019"
    "revitbuild": String, // "20181217_1515(x64)"
    "sessionid": UUID, // "541a2a8d-0954-4f9a-9644-3551c1a2118e"
    "pyrevit": String, // "4.7-beta:1a6e1d8"
    "clone": String, // "dev"
    "debug": Boolean, // false
    "config": Boolean, // false
    "from_gui": Boolean, // true
    "exec_id": String, // "dXVpZA=="
    "exec_timestamp": String, // "2019-08-13T13:40:01.4545Z"
    "commandname": String, // "Settings"
    "commanduniquename": String, // "pyrevitcore-pyrevit-pyrevit-settings"
    "commandbundle": String, // "Settings.pushbutton"
    "commandextension": String, // "pyRevitCore"
    "docname": String, // "Project1"
    "docpath": String, // "C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\Project1.rvt"
    "resultcode": Integer, // 0
    "commandresults": Object, // { "time_saved": 30 }
    "scriptpath": String, // "C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\Bundle.bundle\\\\script.py"
    "trace": {
        "engine": {
            "type": String, // "ironpython"
            "version": String, // "277"
            "syspath": String[], // [ "path\\\\", "path\\\\" , "path\\\\" ],
            "configs": Object // varies per engine type, see below
        "message": String, // "Error: This is the err message."

IronPython Engine Configurations Schema (trace.engine.configs)

"configs": {
    "clean" : Boolean,
    "persistent" : Boolean,
    "full_frame" : Boolean

Add Application Event Telemetry Record

POST events/

Creates a new application events telemetry record on the records database.

    "meta" : {
        "schema" : "2.0"
    "timestamp" : String,          // "2019-08-13T13:40:29.4545Z"
    "type" : String,               // "view-activated"
    "args" : Object,               // { "document": "path\\\\" }
    "username" : String,           // "eirannejad"
    "host_user" : String,          // "LEO-W10\\\\LeoW10"
    "revit" : String,              // "2019"
    "revitbuild" : String,         // "20181217_1515(x64)"
    "cancellable" : Boolean,       // false
    "cancelled" : Boolean,         // false
    "docid" : Integer,             // 0
    "doctype" : String,            // "",
    "doctemplate" : String,        // "",
    "docname" : String,            // "Project1"
    "docpath" : String,            // "C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\Project1.rvt"

API Version 1.0 (Legacy)

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/2ad7916c-1c98-4f5d-978c-2355fcf2198f/alert.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/2ad7916c-1c98-4f5d-978c-2355fcf2198f/alert.png" width="40px" /> V1.0 is legacy and is deprecated. Use only with pyRevit version below 4.7


Endpoint: api/v1/

Check Status

GET status/